Ph.D. student opportunity: ecology, evolution, and systematics of tachinid flies

I am currently seunknownParerigoniiniAUS064eking a Ph.D. student to join my laboratory studying the evolution and ecology of parasitoid flies. While the specific focus of the dissertation research is negotiable, the research assistantship will require contributing to a collaborative, NSF/Brazil(FAPESP) funded Dimensions of Biodiversity project focused on “Chemically mediated multi-trophic interaction diversity across tropical gradients.” My laboratory’s role in this international collaborative project is primarily focused on tachinid parasitoids. This includes identifying and documenting species, studying how they influence and are influenced by hosts and their host-plants, analyzing population- and phylo-genetic/genomic patterns and processes, and revisionary taxonomy and species description. Students will also have the opportunity to contribute to other aspects of this large and multi-disciplinary project . The successful applicant will develop a thesis research project on tachinid ecology, evolution and/or systematics employing ecological, phylogenomic, taxonomic, and comparative methods. The student will also have the opportunity to visit and participate in field research in Brazil as well as other Latin American Countries. Latin American students are particularly encouraged to apply. Click here for more information.

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